Western Church

英 [ˈwestən tʃɜːtʃ] 美 [ˈwestərn tʃɜːrtʃ]

网络  西方教会



  1. Traditional Tang, and western style church weddings are becoming more popular, as are theme weddings.
  2. Influence of Western Culture to Taiyuan Catholic Church
  3. Amid the ruins of the western Empire, the Christian Church survived and grew strong.
  4. The Literary and Colloquial Reading in Xuzhou Dialect s Entering Tone Words; On the Differences of Architectural Culture between Chinese Temple and Western Church& Taking White Temple and East Church as Examples
  5. On the Differences of Architectural Culture between Chinese Temple and Western Church& Taking White Temple and East Church as Examples
  6. The development of Western music was intertwined with the growth of the Christian church.
  7. The theological system of any of the churches of Western Christendom that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the reformation.
  8. The Roman domination had first brought law and order to western Europe, and the Latin church had restored it;
  9. The culture and the education were dominated by the western church.
  10. The status of the Western church and its historical evolution is proof of this, which is China's important Buddhist architectural design reference.
  11. In the ages of barbaric confusion that were now at hand in Western Europe it was the Christian church that was mainly instrumental in preserving the tradition of learning.
  12. A member of a Western Christian church adhering to the theologies of luther, calvin, or zwingli.
  13. Chinese young people celebrating this Western festival; some even went to the church on christmas eve.
  14. A second factor which made the Western Church prosperous was a new political stability and safety which had come to Europe.
  15. Meanwhile, western missionaries in China set up church schools and other cultural organizations which provided active reference for arising of modern scientific education.
  16. The Comparative Study on the Western Culture between China and Japan in Neoteric Period Conflict and Compromise& Effect of Chinese and Western Cultural Interaction on Neoteric Church of Xiamen
  17. Hu Shi's Views on the Western Missionary Education in Modern Chinese History church Ball
  18. Under the special historical background, it became very important for the Border Region government to deal well with its relations with western church.
  19. Western church refers to Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism, the branch of Christian.
  20. Up to now, scholars has achieved plentiful and substantial production in the research of BC, but there's still disparity comparing to the research of western church music.
  21. Conflict and Compromise& Effect of Chinese and Western Cultural Interaction on Neoteric Church of Xiamen
  22. After the opium war, Fuzhou was opened, the western missionaries arrived one after another, church school arises at the historic moment.
  23. As the biggest feudal lord of Western Europe in the Middle Ages, Church trafficked surplus production from land to all parts of the Western Europe through various market priorities, for the purpose of gaining large amounts of economic interest.
  24. During this time, with the western missionaries missionary in yunnan minority region and the church, built for us to study the yunnan Christianity culture under the influence of religious architecture decoration provides reference for example.
  25. However, Chinese and western style of the Catholic church is not a western-style church who has some Chinese style adornment element such as the plaque and couplets word or a Chinese church who has the shrine and the Cross.
  26. First, after the First Opium War, western colonialists culturally invaded China by running church schools for the purpose of missionary work.
  27. The western church could cause the Chinese to accept the gospel, through organizing the education in China, particularly the higher education. Carrying on the strong moral education, human who trained them to become the Christian, perhaps had the favorable impression to Christianity.
  28. In the late Qing dynasty, as China opened Soochow as a trading port, western Christian church and its subordinate enterprises appeared and spread fast in Soochow.
  29. On one hand, because of bad management, lack of funds and other reasons, traditional charity has ebbed; On the other hand, as China portal opened, western church charity career fully rise in China.
  30. The western churches began to establish church middle schools in Suzhou in order to attract the people and to achieve a foothold and development in China.